Doing Things Since 1985

Mitchell Brown @ForNoReason

Age 39, Male




Joined on 6/1/03

Exp Points:
10,949 / 11,370
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Vote Power:
7.34 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
2y 2m 25d

ForNoReason's News

Posted by ForNoReason - April 2nd, 2009

I might be overloading myself with all that I am trying to do... But I know I can get it done. I WILL GET IT ALL DONE. I have landed myself a few gigs, writing and VA related. So that makes me pretty happy. I have a personal project in the pipeline that is going to take some serious effort. Its a "secret" project that I believe is going to kick some ass! It's gonna involve the participation of the fine people of Newgrounds, so keep your eyes open for it!

I got some new stuff posted up on the Audio Portal. Check it out and vote me some 5s!

Posted by ForNoReason - March 27th, 2009

For some god awful reason I made a Twitter account...

Now you can follow me while I do nothing of any interest.

Don't forget about the 2009 Atlanta Meet-up!... Maybe i'll tweet about that?

Probably not...

Anyway, I am starting a huge lazy campaign to sink my claws into the VA community like an indestructible disease. So check out my demos and PM me if you want me to contribute to, destroy, your flash animations!

Posted by ForNoReason - March 9th, 2009

October 16-18, 2009

Topic Thread
(Please post in the thread if you are intending to come or are interested)

Hotel Information

Please be sure to take a look at the Facebook Event Page!

The List: (interested and confirmed)

All Ages Group:

Posted by ForNoReason - March 7th, 2009

I have hit a real sour area lately. I feel like Ive been spending to much fucking time on the internet trying to "contribute" to this project or that project and feeling like its all coming up as failures. What pisses me off that I feel this way when so much of my life seems to be going pretty good for once. I think I am just in a rut in general. Not knowing what the fuck I am going to do. I just want to feel like I am DOING something. Maybe I am just expecting to much.

This is the end of my butthurt rant for now.

Posted by ForNoReason - February 25th, 2009

I am making a list of all the BBS posts that EVERY NGer needs to read. Why? Because I have to much time on my hands, but mainly because I always wanted a single place to go and find this important stuff. I know even regulars need to be reminded of this stuff sometimes. So here it is. What every NGer MUST know:

General Info:

Forum Rules!

Newgrounds FAQs.

BBS Posts:

Newgrounds Shield
- The-Great-One has an awesome list of some helpful links for new users. Ill pull some of the key threads and links and put them on this list, but this is a thread everyone should check out!

Zerok's Guide to Bumping Topics.

Mal's Review Answers.

Why the BBS sucks!
- How to fix what is wrong with the BBS.

Improve Your Subject Titles!
-A friendly reminder from Wade to use your brain!

Best Lock Ever?
- Although the purpose is to show FUNNY locks by mods, I added this so you can see what NOT to make a post about and some reasons mods lock posts.

Post All Videos Here!
- Post your YouTUBE and other Videos here and keep the BBS a little cleaner, or Pox will kill us all!

NG Screenshot Archive.
- Some helpful, and historical, screen shots that can be useful to new users. Thanks to NEVR.

Ideas for Newgrounds Evolution!
- If you want to see something changed/added/redone/etc. with NGs post it HERE!

Flash Collab Rules.
- If you want to start a Flash Collab, please read this first.

Level Up! Lounge.
- Brag about leveling up and other achievements here.

Captinbob's "rape her" warning.
-Reminding us all to put more thought into our responses.


Dry-ice's Blog About Sigs and Bans.

This is a work in progress. Please feel free to let me know what you think belongs on this list! Also, if there is a way you think it should be organized, cataloged, etc. Just comment dammit!

Posted by ForNoReason - February 24th, 2009

you're right....

Posted by ForNoReason - February 19th, 2009

This is my entry for GOS's Feb Writing contest. It takes a few short moments to read, so please do and let me know what you think!

Life for Granted

Like any other birth mine was violent and quick. I was brought into this world without permission or knowledge; I was just here. The first thing I remember was my mother's eyes. Not so much her eyes as my reflection in them. I saw my poor frail state shivering at every breath she would take. I stared at her, begging for acceptance, receiving it with every blink she gave me. She looked at me as only a person who has brought another life to this world can, caring, nurturing, and loving. "Hello my beautiful beacon," she whispered to me as I continued to shiver to her words. She was so young then, too young to be creating a new life, too young to have to deal with the responsibility of the world. I gazed back into her eyes, comparing myself to her. Her features reminded me of an angel. Long, beautiful hair that would make any man weep at the sight of such a perfection of beauty. Her skin was soft and smooth as a newborn's. Her eyes, her eyes could look right through you. From the first time I saw her she saw my soul, my life. She knew who I was before I knew what I was.

The night of my birth was far too cold for a celebration. The darkness had covered the fields like a blanket. There were no stars to be seen in the moonless sky. The winter had been a harsh one. This was not the time for a celebration. This was not the time to be bringing life into this world. But she did celebrate. She seized the winter air with her whole body and laughed and sang. She jumped and she swayed. She celebrated herself, celebrated me. She took to the night air like a dove takes to a summer's day, soaring across the fields with joy and love. She danced along with the blowing wind and I danced with her. There was no reason for it but we danced. It's as if I couldn't help myself but to. When the wind moved her it moved me, swaying and spinning.

The frigid wind cut me hard. As its ruthless tyranny broke the peacefulness of the winter night, I longed for my mother. I needed her to protect me, to save me from the cold. I could hear her joyful laughing in the distance, her singing being carried away by the bastard wind. Her youthful naiveté had lead her to forget about me. As the wind blew harder I shivered. I felt myself fading away, and as quickly and violently I entered this world I would leave it. I cursed my mother for her ignorance in creating me. How foolish of her to do this to another living thing. As I embraced my inevitable end, I heard footsteps behind me. My mother quickly cupped her hands around me, "Don't leave me just yet," she said with a smile on her face. I shiver with every word. With our unexpected reunion my strength returned, and so did my love for her. How fickle a child's love can be when a mother's is so unconditional.

As the wind calmed so did my fear of premature departure. The young mother continued her playful dancing in the crisp winter night. The night felt as if it would never end, and I didn't want it to. The wind would pick up slightly and we would dance with the breeze. As the night passed I heard my mother laugh and sing to herself as only youth would allow you to do, too young to be bringing life into this world. The night air soon began to warm and the dark sky was pierced by the sharp glow of the new day's sun climbing over the horizon. The night of my birth was over, and the first day of my life had just begun. I waited patiently for my mother to return to my side, longing for her words that would make me shiver.

She returned back by my side. Smiling and laughing with exhaustion from the night before. As I stared at her she looked into me. The sun light made it hard for me to see my reflection in her eyes. A new day was beginning and our night together was coming to an end. She leaned down towards me, and with every breath she would take I would quiver. She blinked her eyes and smiled. Her soft skin came closer to me, and as she leaned in she whispered to me, "Thank you." I felt the words swarm around me as all her words had before. In that moment she pushed her lips together to grace me with a kiss, and as the air passed between her lips my life was extinguished.

Posted by ForNoReason - January 19th, 2009

But I like it! This is a story/script I wrote a loooong time ago.


Billy: Regular built male character
Janis: Beautiful young, female character
Bird: Small cockatiel

Fades in:

Billy is standing outside house, knocking on door.

Billy, yelling and knocking on door,
"Come on Janis we're going to be late"

Janis sticks her head out of door, yelling back,
"Hold on I have one more thing to do..."

Billy roles his eyes,
"FINE! Ill wait!"

Meanwhile the bird flies up and lands next to Billy.

The camera goes back and forth showing Billy and the bird just staring at each other.

A few seconds pass with just Billy and the bird just staring.


Billy jumps back a little and raises an eyebrow.

"SQUAK, *whistle*, SQUAK!"

The bird the hops over to Billy's leg and pecks his ankle.

"OW! You little piece of shit!"

Billy then proceeds to kick the bird.

The bird flies back and begins to stare at Billy.


Billy starts to knock on door again and yell to Janis,
"Janis come on... its starting to become a bad Hitchcock film out here."

Janis, from inside,
"Just one damn minute!"

During this time the bird returns to Billy's leg and continues to peck...

"Ok! That's it!"

Billy reaches down, grabs the bird, and breaks its neck.

Janis comes outside the door.

Billy to Janis,
"What took so long?"

"I was trying to find Tim."


"TIM! My pet bird, he got out of his cage again... I hope he didn't fly out the window.."

End Flash

Posted by ForNoReason - January 16th, 2009

I'm done telling you people stories.... your turn to tell me a story!

Posted by ForNoReason - December 31st, 2008

A very VERY rough draft of a story idea. If you read it let me know how you think its going! I will update it as often as I have time to work on it.

[UPDATE 01/06/09]-for those following this story, I am making changes/improvements as I find time to work on it. Here is still a rough, but not as rough, draft.

My name is Lucious. My brothers and I used to protect this galaxy. We were called heroes, protectors, Gods, now I wander alone, destroying the people I once protected. It happened over a millennia ago. My brothers and I used to follow our leader Leonidas. He was ancient and had existed longer than any of us. He had discovered the source of our powers, the powers that made us Gods. The source of our godly powers was the planets themselves. Each planet contains natural energy that is expelled as the life on the planet grows. The more prosperous the planet, the more energy is emitted. We could have easily gone to every planet, destroying it and all the like on it, just to release all it's energy in one glorious burst of strength that would of lasted us for centuries, but Leonidas wouldn't allow it. He knew that if we were careless we would not last very long. So he taught us to protect the lesser life forms. Keep them alive so that they could always power us. Leonidas was a good man. So we served our purpose, protect the worlds from each other, and themselves, so that they would live and prosper forever, but there was one who did no agree with Leonidas' plan. Raphael was the youngest and most arrogant of all my brothers. He felt that we should enslave the life on all the planets, use our strength to make them feed us power at a greater rate. When Leonidas discovered Raphael's plans, he confronted my brother. Leonidas' kind heart blinded him from Raphael's pure evil, and while Leonidas's guard was down, Raphael took the life of our leader. Before we realized what had happened, Raphael drained the life and power from our former leader, and used his powers to defeat us all in a single blow. We were thrown across the galaxy.
I awoke centuries later, in a part of the galaxy I hadn't seen since my youth. How did I survive? Apparently Raphael hadn't managed to kill us, but instead we had remained lifeless, some of us may still be lifeless. But for now, I was alone and uncertain of the destiny of my fellow brothers. As I regained my memory my anger rose. I had to find Raphael and reverse any damage he had done, but I was weak. I traveled for years trying to find a way back to Raphael. Then I came across a small planet. It was an almost lifeless planet with almost no intelligent life to farm its energy. I could feel myself becoming weaker everyday, so I cursed myself and lifted my weapon, and with one blow I destroyed the world and absorbed its energy. I was still only a fraction of what I once was. It was then I realized what I must do. Time was of the essence, I had to regain my strength and defeat Raphael. So since that day I have been traveling the galaxy, finding planets with the most life energy and destroying them. The battle has not been easy. For the stronger the life energy of the planet, the stronger the planet's life forms. The moral battle I face is only matched by the growing strength of the planet's inhabitants. I just hope I can find Raphael soon, before I loose myself in the horrors I have committed.