I am making a list of all the BBS posts that EVERY NGer needs to read. Why? Because I have to much time on my hands, but mainly because I always wanted a single place to go and find this important stuff. I know even regulars need to be reminded of this stuff sometimes. So here it is. What every NGer MUST know:
General Info:
BBS Posts:
Newgrounds Shield
- The-Great-One has an awesome list of some helpful links for new users. Ill pull some of the key threads and links and put them on this list, but this is a thread everyone should check out!
Zerok's Guide to Bumping Topics.
Why the BBS sucks!
- How to fix what is wrong with the BBS.
Improve Your Subject Titles!
-A friendly reminder from Wade to use your brain!
Best Lock Ever?
- Although the purpose is to show FUNNY locks by mods, I added this so you can see what NOT to make a post about and some reasons mods lock posts.
Post All Videos Here!
- Post your YouTUBE and other Videos here and keep the BBS a little cleaner, or Pox will kill us all!
NG Screenshot Archive.
- Some helpful, and historical, screen shots that can be useful to new users. Thanks to NEVR.
Ideas for Newgrounds Evolution!
- If you want to see something changed/added/redone/etc. with NGs post it HERE!
Flash Collab Rules.
- If you want to start a Flash Collab, please read this first.
Level Up! Lounge.
- Brag about leveling up and other achievements here.
Captinbob's "rape her" warning.
-Reminding us all to put more thought into our responses.
Dry-ice's Blog About Sigs and Bans.
This is a work in progress. Please feel free to let me know what you think belongs on this list! Also, if there is a way you think it should be organized, cataloged, etc. Just comment dammit!
Wow, you do have a lot of time on your hands. ;D
ForNoReason (Updated )
lol yeah. Work is overrated. :p