Here are some things you should check out and be interested in.
- Express your love for boobs and help support a good cause.
- Draw a screw and be creative. You know you love screws.
Anyway, I have two parts of pirate related goodness for the Pirate Day thing going down soon.
Pirate Day! and A Pirate's Song. Won't someone please find the interest and/or time to animate one of them? It would just be so darn great!
Also do not forget, if you are in need of a voice actor for Madness day or your Halloween flash or ANYTHING else let me know! Here is my Voice Acting Resume so you can get a hint of my work.
I work for free and simply request I get coauthored in the flash. If you split some of the ad rev with me then even better!
Well that is all the info you need to know right now! Join a collab or get me to voice act, I don't care.