Hey Newgrounds friends, fans and people who accidently clicked on this news post. I haven't been around much to do the things I promised I'd be doing. Well I am here to tell you why. My life has been crazy recently. My job has got me working a lot and I'm still in the Air Force Reserves, so that takes up a bunch of time as well. However, recently my wife and I found out an amazing piece of news. We are expecting our first child. I am insanely excited and it is still a very surreal thing to think about. So, naturally, I haven't had much time to focus on my other ventures as much as I would like. Sadly I won’t be able to attend Pico Day this year, but I am willing to make the sacrifice to save some money. I have not forgotten about the Voices of Newgrounds collab. I am still 100% behind it! It might just take a little longer to get everything done. So keep checking it out and keep sending me awesome stuff for it!
That’s all really for now. I just wanted to let everyone know what was up with me and why I've seemed like a dead beat lately....
Love you guys!
That's awesome, congratulations!