I have an idea for something. I don't know how it will all flesh out, but I need your help to get it done.
Many years ago a great man named AlmightyHans made this:
I liked it and I want to do something similar that brings the entire community together.
I need your voice.
1. Think of something funny, clever, silly, sad, exciting or whatever to say.
2. Record yourself saying that thing. Try to make the quality as best as you can, but everyone can join.
3. For right now, keep the recording under 20 secs.
4. Email that thing you recorded to ForNoReasonNG @ Gmail.com
5. Make sure you send the files with your Newgrounds name and whatever info you want to add.
6. If you want to add a small icon/picture (50x50ish) then go right ahead.
7. Post here with questions or comments.
This idea is still in the beta stage, but expect updates when this all starts coming together.
I might hop in if you get enough folks roped into it, amigo.