I am selling a bunch of DVDs and such for the cheap on eBay.
More stuff to be listed soon.
If you are here on Newgrounds I know you like this site. Maybe even love this site. You might have very strong feelings for this site that you can't express fully. Well, Newgrounds needs your help. You may or may not have noticed that there is a huge backlog right now of movies and games sitting "under judgment". This effects a lot of things that happen here on Newgrounds. Daily awards get wonky, great new works get missed, and things just look messy.
How can you help? Well I am glad you asked that very specific question!
If you like Games CLICK HERE, if you prefer Movies CLICK HERE, and if you are an old hat and like it retro CLICK HERE!
It doesn't matter how you get there, just get there. Now watch some movies, play some games and VOTE! You have the power to decide the fate of what stays on Newgrounds. You have the chance to win $100 just for sitting on your butt and playing games!
Each new submission needs 200 votes to pass/fail judgment. If you watch/play something then VOTE on it. Let your voice be heard with the click of a button. Help clean up the Newgrounds Portal!
I know the title of this post was slightly dramatic...
Feel free to post some ideas on how you would like to see Newgrounds improved and/or how much you just like this darn place!
I go to judgement every time i can...
Awesome! Keep up the good work!