Hello Newgrounds people! I created a fan page thingy on Facebook! You should check it out and like it or whatever.
you'll get the latest news on all of my happenings without having to read my posts about how awesome/horrible my day to day life is!!!
Also, I am looking for an artist who can draw me a lifelike elephant and some other things. No animating required, just need some art work for a project I am doing. Coauthor will of course be given and ad rev will be awarded. Post here or PM me if interested.
*UPDATE! I got an amazing artist to help me out so no more requests needed. I have a twitter page https://twitter.com/For_No_Reason
*Also, my birthday is April 21st. I am so excited...
Hiya fnr i might be interested in drawing you that jellyphant pm me some dtails if you think my arts up to snuff.